Florham Park, New Jersey weight loss doctor, Dr. Fuksina will support you through your journey of personal transformation to reach your optimal health goals.

As we age, it is natural for our bodies to burn calories at a slower rate and to experience a decline in muscle mass–leading to unwanted weight gain. However, this does not have to be our destiny. By taking control, you can reignite your metabolism and regain muscle mass. Using mindful eating habits coupled with regular exercise, you can regain muscle mass and multiply its benefits for accelerated calorie burn. Diet and exercise are the foundational pillars to optimal health.

A nutritional plan or exercise regimen that works for someone else–may not work for you. Natasha Fuksina, M.D. will work with you on a plan tailored specifically for you, so you’ll be more likely to achieve success in a safe, healthy, and sustainable way. From dietary supplements to nutrition, doctor, Natasha Fuksina, M.D. provides knowledge on all avenues of weight loss strategies. Together with Natasha Fuksina, M.D. and a comprehensive weight loss plan tailored specifically for you, optimal health and wellbeing is in your future. There are countless reasons to start now; don’t let time be an excuse—it’s never too late!

Take action today by calling Florham Park, New Jersey weight loss doctor, Dr. Fuksina at (862) 281-6587 to schedule a weight loss consultation!

Weight Loss Supplementations

While diet and exercise remain the fundamental components of any successful weight loss journey, supplementation can be a powerful complement—offering reliable support for a safe and healthy transformation. Natasha Fuksina, M.D. will provide you with the knowledge you require to decide if further supplementations may benefit you. Supplemental weight loss options can include:

Some of the most important factors in keeping our weight under control include restful sleep cycles, a maintained metabolism, keeping up our energy, and managing stress and cortisol levels. Unfortunately, an imbalance in our hormones can easily throw off any of these factors, leading to a snowball effect that can disrupt any–if not all–of our bodily functions. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can restore the checks and balances of your systems–helping your body function at optimal levels.

Recognizing that inflammation from food can lead to weight gain is key in maintaining your health and optimal weight.  Beginning with a IgG Food Sensitivity panel run by Natasha Fuksina, M.D. you can discover what foods are promoting inflammation in your body. An IgG Food Sensitivity panel is meant to identify what food intolerances or allergies a person has that may be causing inflammation and weight gain. For this method to be effective, the conflicting foods must be eliminated for 1-3 months. Natasha Fuksina, M.D. will provide a diet and protocol to heal the body from inflammation and alleviate you from the secondary weight gain.

A key to rapid and lasting weight loss is the use of a safe and natural hormone HcG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in addition to a healthy diet and regular exercise. HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy–it increases fat metabolism while maintaining muscle mass. An HCG program allows your body time to rest and repair, identify potential food sensitivities, and develop new healthy habits. Natasha Fuksina, M.D. will carefully customize a HCG plan to create a clean starting point for your metabolism and gets you feeling better in as little as 30 days.

Metformin is commonly prescribed to patients with Type 2 Diabetes. However, Metformin’s efficacy is not limited solely to those battling this condition—many non-diabetics can gain from incorporating this medication into their health and weight loss regimen. This is due to its ability to reduce appetite–as well as how it regulates your body’s use and storage of fat. To maximize these positive effects, however, it’s important to couple the medication with healthy diet and lifestyle choices. Not only can Metformin help you cut back on calories, but it can also amp up the number of calories burned during physical activity.

The brain is equipped with sophisticated receptors, able to detect when we lack essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D, Iron, and B-Vitamins. When these deficiencies are present, our hunger mechanism is activated–prompting us to consume more food in order to supply the vital nutrients our bodies crave. Natasha Fuksina, M.D. can run tests to pinpoint the exact nutrient deficiencies that may be hindering the progress of your weight loss journey. By doing so, Natasha Fuksina, M.D. can create a customized nutritional plan for you. With a sustained and complete nutrition plan that addresses your specific needs and deficits, your diet can fill in the gaps and boost your overall wellness.

As a GLP-1 agonist, it works proactively to control blood sugar levels. It also assists with weight loss by stimulating insulin release and suppressing glucagon production–which slows gastric emptying and controls appetite. Through its unique, multifaceted approach, Semaglutide can transform your life by enabling you to take control of your eating habits and reducing the amount of food that you consume. For this method to be effective, it should be paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

New Jeresey Functional Weight Loss Treatment

Unlock a World of Boundless Possibilities by Creating a Healthier You

Call (862) 281-6587 to speak with Florham Park, New Jersey weight loss doctor, Dr. Fuksina to schedule a consultation today!